Nigerian dwarf goats

Nigerian Dwarf goats are a miniature breed originating in West Africa that are now found all around the world. Their increase in popularity is due to the benefits that come with owning Nigerian Dwarf goats as opposed to other breeds. Their smaller stature (weighing 75lbs full grown) makes them ideal for homesteaders as they do not require as much space to live, or strength to handle, as other breeds. Nigerian Dwarf goats can be bred all year, and their breeding leads to delicious goat milk. Does can produce 1-2 quarts per day of milk that is higher in butterfat (6-10%) compared to other breeds. This delicious milk can be drank or used to make soaps and cheese! While it’s not very popular in the Western world, goat milk is one of the most widely consumed milk drinks elsewhere, and with good reason - it tastes great and it’s full of nutrients! It is high in vitamins, minerals, calcium, and fatty acids. Goat milk is also easier to digest and has fewer allergens than cow’s milk.

Meet the Herd

Our herd grows quickly! We started our journey with two does and one buck in 2019 and are entering the 2021 kidding season with seven does and two bucks! All of our Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats are pulled and registered with the American Dairy Goat Association. Their offspring will be the same.

Meet our does

Meet our bucks

Meet our Wethers


Mark your calendars for April 2023! Below is our breeding schedule. If there is a pairing that you are especially interested, don’t wait! Contact us now to reserve your kid now!

Breeding Update:

Doe Buck            Due date           Notes